This has been such a super busy, crazy, kinda bad year for me and a lot of my loved ones. I feel sorta fortunate for living on the street in Waltham with the craziest Christmas display. There is a caravan of minivans that go up my street from sunset til 10. And, all I have to do is step out on my porch and see the beauty!
My 11 year old's son's best friend's dad calls it "beastly." It is a tad garish, but so's my tree.
I do not approve of pure white lights and matching decorations for the sake of making your house look like a magazine. Ok, I do. It's fine and beautiful, but my house is bursting at the seams with two boys who prefer colors over neutrality :)
I am quite looking forward to the holidays this year. I'm co-director of a UU pageant at my church which is so wonderfully chaotic......I can't wait to see how it turns out. I can't wait to see my folks in WV the day after Christmas. I can't wait for 2010.