Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Waltham Christmas Tree Lighting

Last Friday was Waltham's annual Christmas tree lighting ceremony. Stuff like this makes me feel like Waltham is a really small town (although it's actually 60,000 plus students from Brandeis & Bentley)

The cub scouts led the crowd in the Pledge of Allegiance. Then the Waltham High show choir led Christmas caroling. This was pretty much the only part my 2 year old enjoyed. He's at the point now where he kind of sings along with songs. Jingle Bells goes like this: hum hum hum hum snow, hm hm hm hm sleigh, hm hm hm hm go, etc.

Mayor McCarthy was, of course, the master of ceremonies. That woman is everywhere. One lucky Waltham-ite then got to flip the switch that lit up all the trees on the common. Then the mayor told everyone to look toward Moody Street where Santa was coming toward the common on a fire truck. Craziness!

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