and don't show any signs of weakness. In traffic.
This is probably not just a Waltham thing, or even a New England thing, but an urban vs. rural thing.
and I LOVE it! Driving here is war.
It's referred to as giving information to the enemy.
What is it, you wonder? The answer is......using turn signals! Who needs turn signals when you've got mad driving skills? There is a certain zen, a beautiful one with the universe feeling, that comes when the stars align and no one in a cluster of say 50 cars all going 80 miles an hour uses turn signals to switch lanes....and no one wrecks.
And hey, late for work? Bored? Change that lane and a half wide city street into a 2 laner and pass that slow broad weaving down the middle. Don't ever hesitate to merge and forget about going less than 10 miles over the speed limit. Never disrupt the zen or you will be cursed (by everyone around you and by the universe)!
And. AND. During rush hour you can often drive in the "active breakdown lane." WTF?!? What if you need to break down!
Nothing is better for my low blood pressure than taking a spin around Waltham.
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