In fact, she swims there every day.
It used to just be called the Boys Club, which is how my hubby and his parents still refer to it.
But now they let in women, even. Very liberal, no? I think back when it was the Boys Club in the 50s and 60s, the boys used to swim in the buff, though. Wonder if they were sad when girls started being admitted and they had to put the trunks back on. Ha!
We were pretty poor and had a somewhat limited social network our first couple years in Waltham and I didn't have childcare for Daniel a few days a year that I had to work like the day after Thanksgiving, certain snowdays, and others that don't immediately come to mind.
The club has an open door policy where you can drop your kid off for a membership price of like $10 per year and they are somewhat supervised in the games room and the gym, but can leave when they feel like it. A kind of scary prospect esp. considering that the club is right downtown. Also kind of scary when your kid is six years old and not very (at all) street smart.
I had a psycho boss though, and had to go to work, so I dropped him off there with my cell phone and specific instructions to not leave unless in a large group with other kids to get lunch at mcd's right down the street. I was on pins and needles all day these few days I left him. Called him all the time, to the point where he finally begged me to stop.
Turns out some Guatemalan pre-teens took him under their wing and taught him bumper pool and helped him order at mcd's since he couldn't add or read yet. My heart melted just a little when he told me this.

I heart you Waltham.
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